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Conjunctions adalah : kata untuk menghubungkan kata-kata, ungkapan –ungkapan atau kalimat.
Dibawah ini adalah contoh conjunctions :
1. so   : sehingga, oleh karena itu
Our cases were too heavy so we took a taxi
2. though, although : walaupun
Although it was windy, they continued the cruise
3. because, for      : karena
Because she was ill, nisa didn’t go to    school.
4. When , while      : ketika
uncle tom came when we were having   dinner
5. But , however     : tetapi, namun
the river is heavily polluted, but the   villagers are still washing clothes        there
6. After      : setelah
after she graduates, she will get a job.
7. Before     : sebelum
          I will leave before he comes
8.  And         : dan
          They are hungry and thirsty
9. Or           : atau
          you can go with me or you stay here    alone
10. Until       : sampai, hingga
11. Else                  : kalau tidak
12. Otherwise        : kalau tidak
13. Still                 : namun, tetapi , masih
14. nevertheles      : namun
15. Whereas           : sedangkan, sebaliknya,   padahal
16. Unless              : jika tidak
17. dll

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