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discussion way

Reader of the vocabulary
Reader of the text
Reader of the translation
good morning my friends.
 ( moderator ) Ok this time we would like to present our material discussion but, before it  , I am going to introduce you the members of our group
I am vega as the moderator  and also as the reader of the text
Nesia as the reader of vocabulary
Fitri as the reader of the translation

ok my friends !
I will call my friend nesia to read the vocabulary
Thanks vega
Alright my dearest friends I will read the vocabularies
Relate to our material on page 149 151 please open your book

1.      See     ( si:   )           = melihat
I have given you the new vocabularies , but if you have the other  you may ask to our group we will give you the answer .
Member of discussion
1.      Ok I have a question for your group
my names fatur,
What is the meaning of parents , thank you
nesia  thanks for your good question
The meaning of parents is : our mother and our father or we can say in indonesian language Kedua orang tua
 Thanks nesia
Ok now we go to the next part of our discussion
I will read the material of discussion to day about  what video games can teach us

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